As integrators and smart home systems installers we are responsible for educating and advising our clients. Some of our competitors can do things for less and it is sometimes difficult for clients to understand why. It really does come down to attention to detail and why every contractor out there is going to do things differently. It doesn’t matter if you are hiring a tiling, HVAC or AV company…each trade does things a certain way based on experience, craftsmanship or requirements. As a customer, you need to ask the right questions so there are no surprises and expectations are clear.
The topic for today is whether or not we should install a systems rack in your home. It is a bit of a loaded question because at Cloud 9 AV we have learned the hard way and early on in my career I was just trying to get the jobs and I felt saving clients money was really important to them. At the end of the day, saving money by cutting corners never helped and it always came back to the wrong advice. We have all made mistakes in any business and lessons learned. For the past 10-12 years (we’ve been in business over 17 years) we’ve really focussed on what makes sense and having a proper systems environment using structured racks and media cabinets designed for technology is critical for us to deliver reliable solutions. Without it, you will find yourself looking at this kind of mess…
Not our work!!!!
Spaghetti is best served on a plate…not as your systems head end.
No matter what the intensions, it is important to have a way to organize systems, label them, strap down the wiring and let people know what the support process is. You can “touch” this, but stay away from these…
In reality, our clients don’t want to touch anything but it is also important to let other trades like the service providers know what they can touch and access. They don’t have the experience in dealing with structured cabling in a custom home. They are usually the ones dealing with setting up an all-in-one modem with wifi but they can get messed up by any environment with whole home WiFi and dedicated routers. BTW every home we do is recommended to have a dedicated network so they aren’t relying on the service provider equipment which can’t handle the requirements and coverage typically expected. Do yourself a favour and budget $2,500 – $10,000 on your network! If you don’t your going to be disappointed…but I’m getting off track here. Let’s get back to Racks and Cabinets.